Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rich nations will have to forego growth to stop climate change (aka ensuring Western economic dominance of the foreseeable future)

Somewhere Daniel Bell is celebrating. The enactment of global climate change legislation, to be disccused in Copenhagen later this year, is tantamout to economic strangulation. For the industrialized world, specifically the U.S and Western Europe, the strangulation is directed at stemming the growth of developing and third-world nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the continued ascendance of Russia and China as economic powerhouses. Not only do carbon emission limits negatively effect all countires that use carbon-intensive practices, but also acts as harbinger of a domestic anti-productionist sentiment, fortifying the post-industrial wasteland we find ourselves living in. Carbon emission limits also lead to the collection of an additional tax (or taxes) to be levied on middle and lower class Americans who will be forced to expend the minimal amount of carbon in order to survive, but still avoid fines.

At least Lord Stern recognizes, like the majority of the Third World, that carbon emission limits and economic growth are completely incompatable–the problem is: he thinks China, Brazil, India and the African Nations will sign on for the Copenhagen Plan, when they have publically said that they will not. Stern writes, “this is never going to work unless developing countries are involved.” So I guess, minus the participation of the developing world, sacrificing the economic wellbeing and growth of the industrialized nations in the service of an unattainable goal is a completely appropriate method of action.

Junk science for a socio-economic transformation. Don’t you love the commoditization of your life? Don’t forget your carbon credits!

Stern: Rich nations will have to forget about growth to stop climate change

The Guardian


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