Saturday, October 31, 2009

The other side of Israel

Dan Senor (Council on Foreign Relations) and Saul Singer (Jerusalem Post) write:

For all the press coverage of the Middle East, there is one side of Israel that gets scant attention: the country’s economy has the highest concentration of innovation and entrepreneurialism in the world today. For years, multinational technology companies and global investors have been beating a path to Israel. Even in 2008—a year of global economic turmoil—per capita venture investments in Israel were 2.5 times greater than in the United States, more than 30 times greater than in Europe, 80 times greater than in China, and 350 times greater than in India. And Israel still boasts the highest density of start-ups in the world (a total of 3,850 start-ups, one for every 1,844 Israelis). More Israeli companies are on NASDAQ than companies from all of Europe, China, India, Korea, and Japan combined.

…In fact, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 45 percent of Israelis are university-educated, which is among the highest percentages in the world. And according to a recent IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, Israel was ranked second among sixty developed nations on the criterion of whether “university education meets the needs of a competitive economy.”

Click here to read the full article.

[Traducción] Chat en vivo de Wonder Girls en PARTE 2


Sunye: Primero que todo, sentimos mucho que no podamos tener nuestro concierto en un fin de semana. Debido a varias razones, el concierto tuvo que ser programado para el 1ro de diciembre de 2009. abrió una página web especial para nosotras y estará introduciendo noticias e información relacionada con el concierto en Shanghai, esperamos que más personas provean su opinión a través de esta página para que en conciertos y eventos futuros podamos escuchar más de los fans.

Conductora: De verdad esperamos que en el futuro puedan venir para más conciertos.

Netizen: La que está al lado de la entrevistadora, Sohee. No está hablando mucho.

Conductora: ¿Sabes que los fans chinos tienen un simpático nombre para ti ‘Mandoo’ (“Dumpling”)?

Sohee: Por mis mejillas gorditas, así que me llaman ‘mandoo’.

Conductora: ¿Te gusta este nombre? Si tienes alguna opinión sobre esto, por favor sientete libre de decirlo, por ejemplo, si dices que en realidad no te gusta, podemos cambiarlo a algo más adorable.

Sohee: Me gusta el nombre de ‘Mandoo’.

Conductora: Sohee no ha estado diciendo mucho y Yubin está aún más lejos de nosotros.

Yubin: No es que no quiera hablar, pero los miembros a mi lado están haciendo un buen trabajo hablando.

Netizen: Después de escuchar las buenas noticias de un concierto planeado para el 1ro de diciembre en Shanghai, tengo una pregunta, ¿habrán miembros de la “JYP family” como invitados especiales?

Yeeun: En nuestros conciertos anteriores, nuestra compañia siempre se aseguraba de mandar a artistas famosos para que fueran nuestros invitados especiales.  En cuanto al concierto en Shanghai, nada ha sido confirmado todavía.  No sabemos si los artistas de nuestra compañia podrán asistir y ayudar.  ¿No sería mejor si JYP y la JYP Family estuvieran ahí?

Conductora: Todos deben estar preocupados por las canciones que serán interpretadas en el concierto, hoy hemos preparado un pequeño juego de obstáculos para tener algo de interación con los fans, las 5 adorables señoritas aquí le darán las pistas. Los netizens estarán adivinando las respuestas, tenemos dos CDs autografiados para regalar.  Empecemos con la que está a mi lado, la adorable, Sohee.

Sohee: No sé. En esta ocasión probablemente cantemos ‘Nobody’ y otras por el estilo, pero ahora no estamos seguras.

Conductora: Estabamos supuestos a dejar que los netizens adivinaran, pero nuestra extremadamente encantadora y directa ‘Mandoo’ ha revelado directamente el nombre de la canción.

(Wonder Girls dando pistas)

Host: Esta acción es la pistas, netizens ahora es su turno de adivinar.

Netizens: SO HOT.

Wonder Girls: Correcto.

Sunmi: (Dando una pista)

Netizen Tinghai : Nobody.

Wonder Girls: Correcto!

Conductora: Los 2 ganadores por favor dejen sus primeros 4 dígitos y los últimos 3 dígitos de su número de celular, o por favor llamen nuestra línea directa, 626 75 688 para contactarnos.  Aprendamos un poco más sobre el próximo concierto. ¿Habrán segmentos en donde interactúen con los fans durante el concierto?

Yeeun: Nuestra compañia ahora se está preparando para lanzar una versión en chino de , esperamos poder cantar esta nueva versión durante el concierto, y que todos los fans el el lugar la puedan cantar junto a nosotras.  Tendremos segmentos especiales preparados para poder incrementar la interacción con los fanas.  Por favor espérenlo.

Netizen: Esperamos la versión china de .   pronto empezará a tener éxito en China.

Conductora:  Esperemos que para ese tiempo se encuentren un millón de personas en le concierto cantando junto a ustedes.  La próxima pregunta será sobre el estilo de cabello.  Observe que las 5 de ustedes, cada una tiene un nuevo estlilo de cabellos, ¿qué hay del concierto? Cambirán su cabellos nuevamente?

Sunmi: Primeramente, nuestro concepto es retro, así que que continuaremos adoptando el sentir retro de los 60s.  Al mismo tiempo, habrá un nuevo lado de nosotras que quermos enseñar a todos,  todas nosotras vamos a preparar algo especial y esperamos que ha todos le guste.

Conductora: Simpre llenas de sorpresas . Muchos de nuestros amgo en-línea que aman a las Wonder Girls tienes un pequeña sugerencia para nuestra líder Sunye.  La mayoría de las personas extaraña tu cabello con flequillo que tenías en el pasado, ¿cuál es tu reacción sobre esto?

Sunye: En el pasado, simpre tuve el cabello corto así que tenía un flequillo.  En América, no teníamos muchas actividades a las cuales asistir así que decidí cortar mi flequillo.  Personalmente pienso que el pelo corto es muy bonito pero como quiera queriá tratar algo nuevo.

Netizens: Saludos cordiales a las familia de Sunye.  ¡Manténganse saludables!

Sunye: Gracias

Conductora: Hablando sobre los estilos de moda,  los netizens quisieran pregunrtar, el concepto del primer album fue un ‘Estilo Cool’, el concepto del segundo álbum cambió a una imagen algo más ‘femenina’, y el tercer álbum fue un concepto retro de los 60s, ¿qué hay sobre el próximo álbum?  ¿Considerarían una imagen dulce/adorable?

Sunye: Ahora mismo ya tenemos una imagen dulce y adorable.  Todos saben que hemos estado haciendo un concepto retro. A principios del año que viene lanzaremos un nuevo álbum en EE. UU., en cuanto el estilo, aunque consideramos cambiarlo, pero en el mercado de EE. UU., no hay otros grupos o artistas que estén haciendo el concepto, así que esta será una buena manera de mostrar un lado especial de nosotras. Quizás nuestro próximo álbum todavía tenga un concepto retro.

[Fuente: & WonderFuls World]
[Traducción al inglés: kazaf10, iLOVEsunmi, wgchristine, suxian, loveyoobin, Crystal]
[Editora del inglés: Denise]

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who cares for a sleeping tiger ?

So now its the turn of OIC to ridicule India and India Silently burdens the crude jokes. Such tasteless jokes however have been a routine and WE got used to.

“The role of the Special Envoy is to help in bridging the gap between the two countries namely Pakistan and India,” OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu told PTI. Source: The Hindu

Earlier it was the Chinese who started marking Kashmir as a separate country with special Visas for Kashmiris travelling to that country. And then China took up Projects in POK illegally (atleast somebody called it Illegal).

China is assisting Pakistan in developing a mega power project and constructing a highway in the Karakoram range in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Source: Gulf News

To make things worse China is ignoring Indian Concerns. Of course, who takes notice of a mild so called super power unless until it prowls in true style.

External affairs minister S M Krishna strongly protested against the Chinese plan to assist Pakistan with projects in Pakistanoccupied Kashmir during his bilateral meeting with Chinese foreign minister Yang Jeichi on Tuesday. He also raised New Delhi’s opposition to Beijing issuing separate visas for Kashmiris but received no assurances from the Chinese side on either of these matters. Source: ET

Hunting Transgenders, the Chinese Way...

That's no baby, baby. -banned-

Imagine this, gentlemen: You’re walking through the streets, and at the corner you come across a beautiful woman, clad in nothing but a frilly bra and underwear. As she looks at you seductively, using the hottest /dance emote available, she says “4g 4 l4p d4nc3.” All of a sudden, you notice something about her is wrong. The chin, the hairy arms, the Adam’s Apple. IT’S A MAN, BABY!

If you’re a player who enjoys the occasional pixelated groping, or you work as a GM on Age of Conan, you’ll be glad to hear that, at least on King of the World that you won’t have to worry about that woman actually being a man behind the screen. Taking the phrase “pics or it didn’t happen” literally, and requires players to submit webcam pictures of themselves, otherwise male players playing as female avatars will be banned.

As far as I can tell, female players are welcome to play as male avatars, the rule does not work in reverse. Aurora Technology is a Chinese MMO company, who created King of the World, and publishes Aion, Dungeons and Dragons Online, and Company of Heroes Online. Gamepolitics references to stereotypes in the online community that decide that men playing as female characters are somehow secretly homosexual.

I have a question on this debate though: As a male, does owning Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii make me a homosexual? I’m playing as Samus Aran, who we all know is completely female. How about Blood Rayne? Final Fantasy (ZING), Tomb Raider? The Sims (Don’t answer that).

Also, this is coming off as just a skosh bit perverted. Imagine the reaction women will have when they attempt to create a female avatar, and are told they have to provide pictures of themselves or be otherwise banned. Let’s hope perversion isn’t one of the many laws that end in execution in China.

So when your friend tells you “there are no women in King of the World, he may not be that far from the truth.If Aurora Technology moves this into the games they publish, let’s hope NCsoft and Turbine make a Codemasters out of them and pull their rights out from beneath their feet.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

China using elite hacker community to build cyber warfare capability

LONDON: The Communist regime in China with the help of a elite hacker community is building its cyber warfare capabilities and appears to be using a long-term computer
attack campaign to collect US intelligence.

An independent study released by a congressional advisory panel found cases that suggested that China’s elite hacker community has ties to Beijing, although there is no substantial proof.

The commission report details a cyber attack against a US company several years ago that appeared to either originate in or came through China and was similar to other incidents also believed to be connected to that country, The Telegraph reports.

The data from company’s network was being sent to multiple computers in the US and overseas, according to an analysis done by the company over several days.

The report contends that the attackers targeted specific data, suggesting a very coordinated and sophisticated operation by people who had the expertise to use the high-tech information.

An Internet Protocol (IP) address located in China was used at times during the episode, the paper reports.

The Chinese Government is said to view such cyber prowess as critical for victory in future conflicts, similar to the priority on offensive cyber abilities stressed by some US officials.

Potential Chinese targets in the US would likely include Pentagon networks and databases to disrupt command and control communications, and possibly corrupt encrypted data, the report says.

Moly Mines Limited Raises AUD700M from Sichuan Hanlong

Moly Mines Limited (TSX and ASX symbol: “MOL”) (“Moly Mines”) is pleased to advise it
has entered into a Subscription Agreement with Hanlong Mining Investment Pty Ltd
(Hanlong), a subsidiary of the China based, privately owned, Sichuan Hanlong Group Co.,
Ltd (“Hanlong”), under which Hanlong will:
 provide US$200 million in equity and debt funding to Moly Mines; and
 commit to provide or arrange US$500 million debt funding for the 10 Million
tonne per annum Spinifex Ridge Molybdenum/Copper Project.
The US$200 million equity and debt funding is in addition to the recently announced
Institutional Placement and Share Purchase Plan (“SPP”). The total funding will enable
Moly Mines to repay all amounts outstanding on the Trust Company of the West
(“TCW”) Interim Financing Facility by February 2010 and could allow the
commencement of the development of the 10Mt/a Spinifex Ridge Molybdenum/Copper
Project as early as mid 2010.
Moly Mines CEO Dr Derek Fisher said “This Agreement represents a wonderful
opportunity for Moly Mines to clear the Company’s existing debt and build the Spinifex
Ridge Molybdenum/Copper Project significantly ahead of the point at which funding
from the traditional debt and equity markets becomes available. The Agreement will
deliver shareholders the value benefits of a substantial funding package and a major
project partner with a strong balance sheet, diversified operations and mining interests.
The Company could be in the envious position of having constructed the
molybdenum/copper mine at the beginning of the next metals cycle, benefitting from
higher metal prices in the mine’s early production years.”
Dr Hui Xiao (Steven), Managing Director of Hanlong Mining Investment commented.
“We are delighted to be entering into this agreement with Moly Mines and are very
excited about the future, working together to build the Spinifex Ridge project.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Portretul lui Genghis-Han, sursa:

Genghis-Han s-a născut în anul 1162,lângă lacul Baikal, fiind fiul lui Yesugei( un mare războinic mongol care avea în serviciu mulţi luptători). Numele său adevărat era Temugin şi îi era hărăzit să păşească pe urmele tatălui său.

A reuşit să evadeze, foarte tânăr, din prizonieratul temuţilor războinici taitsiut demonstrându-şi astfel abilitatea şi măiestria de strateg. Astfel a obţinut sprijinul unui important puternic grup de luptători Cu ajutorul acestora şi al unui mare conducător de trib apornit în 1184 în prima lui campanie împotriva tribului merkit, care o răpise pe Borte, soţia acestuia. Acesta a fost doar un prim război din nenumăratele războaie care îl vor purta pe teritoriul întregii Asii. În 1206este numit de triburile de merkiţi, keraiţi şi tătari îl proclamă conducător, sub numele de Genghis-Han.

După ocuparea acestor teritorii şi subjugarea acestor populaţii Genghis-Han s-a lansat într-o campanie în nordul Chinei care va dura 4 ani( 1211-1215). Această campanie lungă s-a încheiat cu, cucerirea Canbalucului( Beijing). Tot în 1215, mongolii ocupă Pekinul. Între 1218 Ogodai-Han este numit urmaş al lui Genghis-Han. Între 1219-1221 se luptă cu Imperiul Horezm. În 1221 ocupă Transoxania, Buhara, şi Samarkandul. În 1220 fondează oraşul Karakorum. Trei ani mai târziu, în 1223, sub conducerea hanului Subodai, mongolii înving oastea aliată a cnezilor ruşi în bătălia de la Kalka. Între 1224 şi 1225 Genghis-Han învinge tribul tungunzilor.

Asia în anul 1200, sursa:

Ultima mare victorie a sa a avut loc în 1226 când reuşeşte să învingă singurul trib care îl învinsese, tangurii. În anul 1227 se stinge din viaţă în regiunea chineză Gansu, lăsând în urmă un imperiu imens.

Genghis-Han rămâne în istorie ca un mare conducător militar, abilitatea sa în luptă poate fi comparată cu cea a marilor conducători ai Antichităţii. La moartea sa urmaşul său a devenit Ogodai-Han.

Bătălia de la Bagdad din 1258, sursa:

China Stockpiling Commodities Over Potential US Dollar Collapse

China Stockpiling Commodities Over Potential US Dollar Collapse

Owing hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. debt has China rightly concerned, as the long-term performance of the greenback could cost them billions of dollars in losses, as the U.S. dollar loses its value.

In response, China has started buying a large amount of raw materials at a fast pace in order to hedge against that real possibility.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where do I go from here?

I have big dreams and a passport that allows me to think that I could one day fulfill them.

I want to go places. I long to do things I never have. I am creating a sort of “Bucket List” but not because I’m dying. I just feel like I want to sometimes. So, maybe if I make this list, it will give me the determination to keep going, to get over the hump, and find the happiness I so desire.

Here goes:

  1. Visit Japan and find an authentic kimono that will fit me and revel in its silken softness against my skin. Trim a bonsai tree pruning away the unwanted branches, creating art that will grow and change each day. Admire a natural beauty like cherry blossoms with a mountainous backdrop and be grateful for being able to inhale their perfumes in such an exotic setting.
  2. Visit China during Chinese New Year, taking in the joy of those around me who are celebrating the continuation of love, life and family for another 365 days. Taste the cuisine of the country as it actually should be made, not covered in fried batter and served with a sticky red muck. Walk the Great Wall, realizing that very large walls have their time and place for being useful, but that walls that were once useful in practicality can stay around a long time without true purpose.
  3. Visit Ireland in Spring. To be graced by the spirits of my ancestors as they teach me that renewal is a wonderful thing, with the new life of spring surrounding me like warm welcoming arms, knowing that even the dead can teach us something about family loyalty and patience. Even if my body cannot bring forth a new life in Spring, my heart and spirit can, and I should open it back up to love from others.
  4. Go to the Taj Mahal. Visiting an icon of true and lasting love, realizing that it is possible if you allow it. At the same time, learning that obsession with one’s heart can be consuming and devastating if you allow it. Taking in the beauty of the pools and fountains as they constantly trickle their voices in my ears crying to me to soothe my hurt and to leave my tears from love with them and start anew.
  5. Explore the pyramids of Egypt, to realize that building monuments to yourself does nothing but leave an opportunity for others to rob from you what you valued. Learning that one should use it now, share it now, and let what you have done for and in the world be your monument. Take time to enjoy the art and wonderment of it all, knowing that humanity in all its flaws can create lasting decadence for others to appreciate and submit their souls to.
  6. Visit South Africa and learn that there are, among those who are wealthy, the poor that are happy and peaceful and grateful for what they have. Commune with those who have fought for what they believe in, for trying to bring together people of all colors and diversities and allowing them to have the rights and equality they deserve. To graze on their courage and strength, taking it in and hopefully becoming more courageous and strong from the experience.

Six items may seem like a short list.

If I ever have the chance to do ANY of the items on that list, I will have been given the greatest gift ever. Any of those experiences would be enrichment enough to carry through a lifetime.

I want to dance, sing, love and live this life I have been given.

Now I just need to find the strength and courage to figure out… where do I go from here??

Ekonomi : Tiongkok Bergerak Cepat


Ekonomi Tiongkok Bergerak Cepat

[BEIJING] Ekonomi Tiongkok, salah satu negara dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia, berjalan lebih cepat selama kuartal ketiga tahun ini. Hal ini makin memicu perdebatan mengenai apa dan kapan pemerintah negara itu mulai menarik stimulus ekonomi.

Dimulai dengan meningkatnya pinjaman di perbankan, pemerintah bermurah hati mendukung ekspor dan paket stimulus senilai 585 mili- ar dolar AS, dan ekonomi Tiongkok bertumbuh 8,9% dari Juli hingga September. Kenaikan itu lebih tinggi dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu, demikian data yang dikeluarkan pemerintah itu, Kamis (22/10) di Beijing.

Ekonomi Eropa, Jepang, dan AS masih tetap lemah dibanding Tiongkok atau Australia. Ekonomi AS menyusut 0,7% selama kuartal kedua, dan data kuartal ketiga akan dikeluarkan pekan mendatang. Tapi, ekonomi AS itu diperkirakan berkembang 3,1%.

Sedangkan laporan ekonomi lainnya, di Tiongkok, yang dikeluarkan Kamis ju-ga memperlihatkan penjualan ritel dan produksi industri meningkat pada bulan September. Kenyataan itu mengimbangi anjloknya ekspor, salah satu urat nadi ekonomi Tiongkok, selama 11 bulan ini.


Tahapan pengembangan PDB Tiongkok melonjak dari 7,9% di kuartal kedua ke arah pencapaian target 8% yang menurut para ekonom dibutuhkan stabilitas sosial dan kesejahteraan para karyawan.

Walaupun masih banyak PHK tahun ini, pemulihan ekonomi Tiongkok mulai memicu kekhawatiran mengenai kemungkinan terjadinya inflasi dan potensi tidak berkelanjutan naiknya harga saham dan properti.

“Pemerintah mulai berhati-hati terjadinya bubble lainnya,” ujar Alistair Chan, ekonom dari

Sistem perbankan yang dikenalikan pemerintah sudah menyalurkan kredit baru senilai 1,27 triliun dolar AS sepanjang tahun ini dan beberapa analis juga sudah memperingatkan terlalu banyak uang yang beredar akan mandek di saham-saham dan realestat.

Nilai properti di daratan Tionglok sepanjang tahun ini 73%. Dan saham di negara itu naik 80% dalam kurun waktu tujuh bulan pertama tahun 2009 sebelum kemudian jatuh begitu kredit perbankan kembali ke tahap- an normal dan membanjir-nya bantuan untuk investasi. [IHT/E-4]

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Denby's divine

Afternoon tea is such a treat. Crustless sandwiches, warm scones and a splash of bubbly. Thanks to the lovely people at Denby, I was spoiled rotten with it yesterday in The Athenaeum Hotel, the point being to experience its new Monsoon china as it was meant to be enjoyed – elegantly. The Chrysanthemum collection has caught my eye especially – in fab black and white with a touch of gold, it coordinates perfectly with my current plates – so I can sneak it in the cupboard without my other half being any the wiser!


BK - Chrysanthemum china

Productivity and Pay

I have read many articles recently focused on executive pay and our “bloated” financial sector with a tone similar to that taken by Stiglitz in the excerpt below.  While I agree that our economy hardly awards pay in line with productivity, this allocation of blame forgets that many many of this country’s citizens leveraged themselves to hilt with loans from credit cards and multiple mortgages.  The national savings rate was briefly negative.  I’ve heard the stories of deceptive subprime mortgage salesman with disgusting incentives, but it still takes two to tango.  I place at least as much responsibility on the “less informed” for their poor choices as I do the misinformation of snake oil salesmen.  That said, our banks need to take a long pause to consider their longterm role in society and act appropriately.  Goldman would be very foolish to declare even near record bonuses this year.

“Without any other compass, the incentive structures they adopted did motivate them – not to introduce new products to improve ordinary people’ lives or to help them manage the risks they faced, but to put the global economy at risk by engaging in short-sighted and greedy behavior. Their innovations focused on circumventing accounting and financial regulations designed to ensure transparency, efficiency, and stability, and to prevent the exploitation of the less informed.

There is also a deeper point in this contrast: our societies tolerate inequalities because they are viewed to be socially useful; it is the price we pay for having incentives that motivate people to act in ways that promote societal well-being. Neoclassical economic theory, which has dominated in the West for a century, holds that each individual’s compensation reflects his marginal social contribution – what he adds to society. By doing well, it is argued, people do good.

But Borlaug and our bankers refute that theory. If neoclassical theory were correct, Borlaug would have been among the wealthiest men in the world, while our bankers would have been lining up at soup kitchens.

Of course, there is a grain of truth in neoclassical theory; if there weren’t, it probably wouldn’t have survived as long as it has (though bad ideas often survive in economics remarkably well). Nevertheless, the simplistic economics of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when neoclassical theories arose, are wholly unsuited to twenty-first-century economies. In large corporations, it is often difficult to ascertain the contribution of any individual. Such corporations are rife with “agency” problems: while decision-makers (CEO’s) are supposed to act on behalf of their shareholders, they have enormous discretion to advance their own interests – and they often do.

Bank officers may have walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars, but everyone else in our society – shareholders, bondholders, taxpayers, homeowners, workers – suffered. Their investors are too often pension funds, which also face an agency problem, because their executives make decisions on behalf of others. In such a world, private and social interests often diverge, as we have seen so dramatically in this crisis.

Does anyone really believe that America’s bank officers suddenly became so much more productive, relative to everyone else in society, that they deserve the huge compensation increases they have received in recent years? Does anyone really believe that America’s CEO’s are that much more productive than those in other countries, where compensation is more modest?

Worse, in America stock options became a preferred form of compensation – often worth more than an executive’s base pay. Stock options reward executives generously even when shares rise because of a price bubble – and even when comparable firms’ shares are performing better. Not surprisingly, stock options create strong incentives for short-sighted and excessively risky behavior, as well as for “creative accounting,” which executives throughout the economy perfected with off-balance-sheet shenanigans.”

On the other hand, I am very happy to see that political powers have begun  to acknowledge the continuing threat of global trade imbalances to the economy and, to a lesser extent, their role in the crisis we are exiting.

“U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned on Monday that Asian export-promotion policies and large U.S. budget deficits could refuel global economic imbalances and put efforts to achieve more durable growth at risk if not curbed.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Somali pirates threaten to kill Chinese crew

Somali pirates have threatened to kill 25 Chinese crew members on board a hijacked Chinese bulk career if any rescue operation is attempted.

After a brief lull in attacks, the ‘De Xin Hai’, which the pirates say is loaded with coal, was seized on Monday 550 nautical miles northeast of the Seychelles and 700 nautical miles east of the Horn of Africa.

“We tell China not to endanger the lives of their people with any rescue operation,” an associate of the pirates told Reuters by phone on Tuesday.

“If they try then we will execute the whole crew … we tell them to change their mind regarding any rescue, otherwise they will regret it. We know what they are planning to do,” he warned.

The pirates were referring to an earlier announcement by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu who had said his government had “actively started rescue operations” for the ship.

On Monday the European Union’s counter-piracy force said an EU maritime patrol aircraft had located the vessel and counted at least four pirates on the deck. It was heading for Somalia.

Piracy along the Gulf of Aden, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, is common place.

Dozens of multinational warships are currently patrolling the waters under a UN mandate to deter pirate attacks but the sea gangs sometimes carry out attacks right under the watchful eyes of international fleets.

bron: (FF/SC/DT)

China Normal

This is the first time I have been able to do an update since I touched down here on Chinese soil. Thanks to a slightly oppressive Chinese government, they don’t allow access to sites I frequently visit, such as: Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress. Thankfully, there is a pretty neat program called gotomypc, I am now able to access my desktop at home from my laptop here in China. Thank God!

In spite of the restricted internet, one thing that I have been able to do is update our photostream on flickr that showcases some of the places we have visited. This past weekend we were able to travel all over the province and see some of the beautiful Chinese countryside.  I think that the most fun and exhausting part of this weekend was walking up the Great Wall of Changshu at Yu Shan (Yu Mountain). This is a very touristy part of Changshu, but well worth the experience. It is too bad that the air quality in China is so poor since we could have probably seen twice as far from the summit of Yu Shan.

On Saturday night, we had a great time at a local bar with Charlie and his friends Hopsing and Lucy. Besides the local beer, the guys were more than happy to enjoy a Corona and lime. I was content with my boiling water and lemon while I practiced picking up peanuts and sunflower seeds with a pair of chopsticks.

The food has been just crazy! I have eaten food here that I would never dream of touching at home! We ate at a restaurant called Hot Pot here in Changshu and that was quite an experience. You basically pile all this stuff into a pot of boiling water and wait for it to start cooking. We ate shrimp, sheep, beef, tofu, meatballs, cabbage, noodles, and a lot of stuff that I don’t know anything about.

On Monday morning, Charlie picked us up bright and early from our hotel so that we could head into work. I don’t care what you think your morning commute is like back in the states, it’s straight up rally race/death race craziness trying to get into work! Weaving in and out of semi-trucks, taxis, buses, scooters, motorcycles, and pedestrians has given me a whole new appreciation for the “mild” traffic issues here in the US.

Our first day of work was filled with friendly greetings and learning the ropes from our new friends at CSYSPP. Nic and I spent quite a bit of time working with Mr. Gi and Mr. Ni, while Ms. Ding has worked diligently to ensure that our products and materials get here safely from Fenton, MI.

After work on Monday, we decided to venture downtown so that we could grab a quick bite to eat. After all the crazy food we had been eating, we were craving a little “home cooking”.  I was never as happy to see the Golden Arches as I was last night. You have to love franchises when traveling in a foreign country for the simple fact that you can at least eat something familiar (Starbucks is another great example). After dinner, we ventured over to the local Wal-Mart where we ended up getting some snacks and stuff to hold us over. The taxi ride back to the hotel was a little nerve racking, but no more so than any other road trip that we have taken.

All in all, this trip has been fun and really productive so far. Hopefully as we enter day 2 of work we can continue to press forward and still enjoy our time here in this country.

Talk to you soon!


Sunday, October 18, 2009


A China é uma das possíveis pátrias dos vampiros. O mais importante nesse país é que os vampiros são encontrados há mais de 2600 anos, já que em 600 a.C. já havia relatos de vampiros em solo sino. Na China, um dos vampiros que mais nos chama a atenção é o chiang-shih, com unhas muito longas, cabelos brancos com tons de verde e olhos avermelhados. Esse vampiro podia voar, mas, como o grego, não atravessava água e deveria voltar à sepultura após suas actividades, como um morto-vivo.


Tinha igualmente capacidade de se metamorfosear em animais, em especial em lobo. Era destruído pelo fogo, e o cadáver passava também por cerimónias de exorcismo. Para os chineses, um demónio se apossava da alma do defunto, causando a incorruptibilidade do corpo, e levando-a ao vampirismo. Ainda segundo os chineses, o ser humano tem duas almas: a Run, ou alma superior, e a P’o, ou alma inferior. Uma teria aspectos mais elevados, a outra, aspectos animais. Essa alma inferior era a causa do vampirismo, e qualquer ínfima parte do defunto poderia guardar o vampiro. Os chineses também têm várias histórias de crânios que falavam, e eram animados pela alma P’ o do defunto, causando inúmeros problemas.

O Vampiro na China, como em outras partes do mundo, é activo ao cair a noite, voltando à sua sepultura ao raiar da aurora. Uma lenda chinesa trata da volta dos mortos e da destruição advinda disso. Um funcionário do governo chinês, Chang Kuei, estava em viagem quando, em dado momento, um temporal se abateu. Ele se refugiou em uma casa. Lá, encontrou uma bela dama. A princípio tomaram chá, para mais tarde se unirem numa torrente de paixões. Ao despertar, no dia seguinte, qual não foi a sua surpresa ao se encontrar sobre a lápide de uma tumba, com seu cavalo a alguns metros dali. Ele o montou e saiu a toda brida pela estrada.

Ao chegar a seu destino, foi interrogado devido à demora, e seu relato revelou onde estava a tumba de uma jovem prostituta que havia se enforcado. O fantasma dela havia seduzido inúmeras vítimas. O clamor dessa história chegou aos ouvidos do magistrado da região, que mandou abrir a tumba, onde o cadáver foi encontrado como se estivesse a dormir. Cremaram-no imediatamente. Curiosamente, após a destruição do corpo da vampira, uma seca que grassava a região teve fim.

Outra história de vampiros na China é a que se segue. Uma mulher foi acordar seu marido e, ao entrar em seu quarto, viu-o sem cabeça. Não havia uma gota de sangue em nenhum lugar, o que era muito estranho devido à decapitação, que faria o quarto estar encharcado de sangue. Ela chamou as autoridades e foi detida como a principal suspeita, apesar de alegar inocência. Algum tempo depois, um lenhador encontrou um caixão semi-escondido pela vegetação, mas com a tampa parcialmente levantada. Ele ficou tomado de receio e chamou várias pessoas para juntos averiguarem o conteúdo. Dentro estava um cadáver, mas com aspecto de vivo, e tinha um semblante horripilante. Sua boca tinha dentes pontiagudos e vertia uma espuma avermelhada. Nas suas mãos estava a cabeça do marido infeliz. Eles chamaram as autoridades; um guarda armado veio rápido, antes do pôr-do-Sol. Os braços do vampiro tiveram que ser cortados para libertar a cabeça, e o sangue escorreu em profusão. Tudo foi queimado, e a mulher liberta.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Zhou Xun en Bazaar

Zhou Xun es una de las nuevas estrellas chinas que está subiendo más rápidamente. Es innegable como esta chica ha saltado al estrellato de la noche a la mañana. Es una actriz muy versátil y que tiene un brillo especial en pantalla.

Y como sale preciosa, como siempre, aquí teneis sus nuevas fotos en la revista Bazaar. Al menos aquí no la odian como en Vogue…

PM Dung attends 10th Western China International Trade Fair

PM Dung attends 10th Western China International Trade Fair
QĐND – Friday, October 16, 2009, 20:55 (GMT+7)

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on October 16 attended the 10th Western China International Trade Fair and the 2nd Western China International Cooperation Forum in Sichuan province.

This is an important event organised by the Chinese Government with the aim of exploring the potential for development in the western region of China.

In his speech delivered at the event, PM Nguyen Tan Dung noted that countries around the world have experienced their hardest time in many decades due to the global financial crisis. However, at the trade fair, delegates were impressed by China’s significant achievements, particularly in the western region, he said.

The Vietnamese leader also highlighted the growing ties of friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and China under the mottos “friendly neighbours, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability and looking towards the future” and “good neighbour, good comrade, good friend and good partner”. Most recently, the two countries’ senior leaders agreed to expand relations into a strategic partnership.

Since 2004, China has been Vietnam’s largest trading partner and Vietnam has become a more and more important trading partner of China. Despite the global financial crisis, Vietnam-China trade turnover reached US$12.5 billion in the first eight months of this year, and is expected to increase to US$19-20 billion by the end of the year. China currently has more than 60 on-going projects in Vietnam with total registered capital investment of over US$2.6 billion. Most Chinese-invested projects are proceeding well.

PM Dung insisted that Vietnam’s economy is recovering rapidly from the global economic downturn, achieving an economic growth of 4.6 percent in the first nine months. The figure is predicted to reach an average of 5-5.5 percent for the whole year. The country attracted more than US$12.5 billion in foreign direct investment and kept its inflation rate at a low level. The Vietnamese economy has weathered the storm and gradually resumed its fast economic growth. This will help Vietnam expand economic cooperation with China, which is considered to be its most important economic partner.

Following his speech, Mr Dung visited 90 stands belonging to 40 Vietnamese businesses.

The trade fair focused on six main fields: investment cooperation, regional cooperation, the automobile industry, machinery, construction materials and specialties of western China.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the trade fair, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao acknowledged the Chinese Government’s efforts in developing 12 provinces in western China, which have a large land area and great natural resources and share borders with neighbouring countries in the region.

During the past 35 years, China has invested strongly in infrastructure development and energy projects in the western region, which has recorded an average GDP growth rate of more than 11 percent per annum. To boost the development of this region, Premier Wen Jiabao said that it is essential to strengthen trade and investment cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and pay due attention to energy saving and environmental protection.

Source: VOV

Source: QDND Bookmark & Share

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dutch tourists die in China balloon crash

(CNN) — A search party of hundreds hunted for a hot-air balloon that had been reported catching fire and crashing in southern China, arriving in time to save only three of the seven people aboard.

Four Dutch tourists died in the crash Wednesday in Guilin, a popular tourist spot, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

The pilots of the balloon took off from Yangshuo County, then lost control of the craft, the agency reported. Government officials dispatched 400 searchers to find the balloon, which had caught fire at some point.

The two pilots and one other Dutch tourist survived the crash.

After the crash, all hot-air balloon businesses were suspended in the area as officials conducted a safety overhaul, Xinhua reported.

Day 6 : 01 August 2007 (Beijing - Shenzhen)

Pagi2 udah check out dari hotel, naik taksi langsung ke airport…naik pesawat Air China ke Shenzhen..jam 12 gitu sampe deh di sana, langsung naik taksi lagi ke hotel..kali ini nginep di Best Western Felicity Hotel..beres2 sebentar, turung langsung deh buat pergi…diputuskan karena kita udah pernah ke Windows of the World…jadi kali ini ke Folk Culture Villages…

Tempat ini tuh kaya miniatur semua bangunan di China…jadi ada taman dimana semua miniatur ada disitu sebetulnya menyenangkan sih ke taman ginian, cuman gak nahan itu panasnya

Letaknya persis sebelah2an sama Windows of the World..cuaca gak usah di bilang terik dan puanaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget….sampe gerah dan keringetan…disana yah cuman foto2 terus nonton show gitu deh…dari peradaban jaman dulu sampe modern…emang pemain shownya tuh cantik2 tinggi2 dan putih2 pula hahahah…

Di panggung semua yang mukanya sama gitu..dari dandan, baju yg berkibar2 dan ada selendang yang melayang2 heheheh…karena gak boleh foto, jadi gak ada fotonya deh, lagian juga gelap gitu kan…

Selesai show tuh yang jam 8 malan…ini jug nyari taksi susah banget antri2 yag di serobot melulu…heran deh di China ini susah amat yah cari taksi…kalo gak mau repot yah pake tur, tapi karena gw gak suka yang namanya tur2an karena di buru2 dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, belom ke pabrik2…ah malesnya…enakan explore sendiri aja deh =)

Sampe hotel udah malam, siap2 beberes koper lagi soalnya besok mau naik ferry ke Macau…

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Climate Change And The Bogus Per Capita Emissions Argument

In the run up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen later this year, you are going to be bombarded with statistics like they are going out of style. This is in an effort to win your hearts and minds and make you believe that something positive will actually result from this conference.

One thing that will be quite heavily promoted is the amount of CO2 emissions per capita head.

Both sides will use the argument, but for different reasons.

For those of living in the Western World, those already Developed Countries, it will be used in the form of an accusing finger. You will be told that per capita head, those people living in the Western World have the largest emissions per capita head than those who live in those less developed Countries.

What they are not telling you however, is that there is not a level playing field. In the West, those Countries have access to a reliable and constantly available source of electrical power. One third of all emissions come from this sector, mainly from coal fired power plants. The remainder comes from a level of Industrialisation that we accept as part of our way of living.

Those still Developing Countries do not have that access to electrical power and do not have much in the way of an Industrialised economy.

So naturally, those of us who do live in the West would have a high level of emissions, when extrapolated down to a per capita basis.

On the other side, those developing Countries will quietly say that their per capita emissions when compared to those in the West are very low, and therefore, any talk of their cutting back on emissions would seem hypocritical, as our emissions are so high.

See the point there?

When you ask yourself the question, or when an environmentalist puts the argument to you, keep this right in the forefront of your mind.

China. Population 1.3 Billion people.

India. Population 1.15 Billion.

United States. Population 305 Million.

So, those other two Countries especially, are, by the very nature of the level of their population going to have considerably lower per capita emissions than those of us who do live in the West, with four times as many people as in the U.S.

Europe, the US, Australia, and other already developed Countries, even though their populations are dissimilar, have roughly the same per capita emissions, when it is worked out, so, effectively, that ‘big stick’ can be pointed at them all, as that accusing green finger.

So, when that green finger is pointed at you in an effort to make you feel guilty, point that finger directly back at them, and tell them exactly how cruel, heartless and callous they are being, not by their bogus use of what seems a simple statistic, but by not being aware that almost one billion people living in China have no access whatsoever to any electrical power. The same number applies for India, and also to the remainder of the rest of the non Developed World.

For the sake of trying to look green and doing something for the environment, they, in effect are consigning those billions of people to remain in the most abject poverty. Ask them if they would prefer to live like that.

No, the per capita CO2 emissions argument is bogus.

See if that stops them from using it.

No chance.

As I mentioned, the emissions from the generation of electrical power makes up only one third of the total emissions, China has recently surpassed the U.S. as the largest emitter of CO2 on Planet Earth. China only produces 80 to 85% of the electrical power that the U.S. does, and yet barely 8% goes to the residential sector, compared to 38% in the U.S. and also in the rest of the already Developed World.

However, China’s current ratio of production sees their current power production coming from coal at a greater percentage than that of the U.S. which stands at just on 50%. The remainder of emissions in China comes from that level of Industrialisation as they rapidly try to do just that ….. Industrialise.

Large Companies from all across the Planet are shifting production to China where Labor, and materials are just so cheap, and the huge population sees that labor force as also being quite huge. So things that will always sell for the same price in the West can now be manufactured at a fraction of the cost.

For a further insight on that, take the link to this post from last year, during the Beijing Olympic Games.

Per capita CO2 emissions is a bogus argument from people who have an entirely different agenda.

Chinese Are Set to Execute Mentally Ill Brit for Smuggling

If there is one thing that the Chinese do right, it is strictly and viciously enforce their laws.  Now, it looks like the Chinese government plans on executing a delusional British citizen for smuggling heroin into the communist state.  The nutter in question flipped out and left his family in England to move to Poland to establish some sort of fantasy business.  While in Poland, said nutter became involved with a group of Middle Eastern drug smugglers that conned the poor loon into carrying a suitcase full of heroin into the western provinces of China.  So drug dealers be warned, China is not fucking around.

Full story @ The Examiner.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


大閘蟹一年一造,商人當然不放過賺錢機會,南京高淳縣就出現天價蟹,名為「黃金甲龍鳳蟹」,一隻公蟹一隻母蟹,竟售 99,990人民幣!原來,天價蟹用純金蟹籠形禮盒包裝,盒上雕有兩龍一鳳圖案,兼且附送純銀拆蟹工具,難怪夠膽標高價。


Eine Geschichte der Volksrepublik China

Ich habe heute den Film gesehen, der von vielen berühmten Spieler und Spielerinnen dargestellt wird.   Es war ein interessanter Film und eine moderne Propaganda.

Die Geschichte spielte von früh 1940s bis 1949, d.h. sie fangt mit dem Treff zwischen KMT und CCP  in Chongqing an und beendet mit der Gründung der Volksrepublic China in 1949.   In dem Film kann ich die folgende Punkte zusammenfassen:

1,   Nach dem langen Kampf gegen Japan haben die Chinese ganz auf Frieden sehr gefreut, CCP hat den Wunsch der Staatbürger erfüllt;

2,   Der KMT Leiter, natürlich ein Bösewicht in dem Film, wegens Korruption und ohne finanzieller Unterstutzung von Amerika, hat seiner Herrschaft  an CCP verloren, trotzdem er eine viel besser Chance als CCP hatte;

3,  Der KMT Leiter, obwohl er viel menschlicher in dem Film dargestellt wurde, hat die Idee Pluralismus von Anfang an abgesagt;  Ganz im Gegenteil davon, der CCP Leiter war offen, er wollte verschieden Politischgruppe in der Leitung akzeptieren und die Meinung von anderen anhören;

Heutzutage sind die Chinese viel mehr `Market Savvy´, aber sollen wir uns darüber freuen?

Noch einer interessante Punkt, ich finde, der Regisseur hat in dem Film absichtlich über Hongkong lustig gemacht.  Warum denn?  Jackie Chan spielt eine Rolle als ein Journalist, der währand des Interview mit einem General KMTs nur an seiner Noticebuch geguckt hat;  wenn der General versuchte, ihm derzeitige Situation zu analysieren, konnte er wahrscheinlich gar Nichts verstehen und deshalb wiedergeholt er die vorbereitete Frage.  Is es ein Zufall?  Jackie Chan ist der Botschafter des guten Willens für Hongkong!

Vielleicht müssen wir auch darüber nachdenken, durchaus eine lange Zeit war Hongkong von Aufruhr und Unruhen geschildert.  Sonst finanzielle Interesse denken wir kaum an anderem……

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Arabization in Xi'an

I was reading an article about Fashion amongst Chinese Muslims when I came across the following paragraph which I found particularly striking. It talks about the phenomenon of Arabization amongst some Hui in China. It is basically the confusion amongst some people of equating being a better Muslim with adopting Arab cultural norms.

When Lanlan had her hijab made in 1999, Xi’an Muslims no longer called this kind of veil “gaitou.” Their new name was shajin or “Saudi kerchief.” Over the next five years, the number of women wearing Arab style headscarves increased slowly but steadily. When I revisited the Xi’an Muslim district in September of 2004, the young women who covered their heads almost all wore “Saudi kerchiefs.” Veils were almost as common as white caps among women who chose to cover their heads. One reason that helps explain why more Xi’an Muslims were wearing the Saudi headscarf was the increase in the number of locals who made the pilgrimage. Between 1994 and 2000 the number of pilgrims from the Muslim district doubled, and the numbers have continued to rise each year. Imitating the costume, architecture, and eating practices of Arab Muslims has become an important way for local Hui to show their authenticity as Muslims. The Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, carries a special significance as the originating point of Islam, and many locals conflate contemporary Arab practices with the Islam practised by the Prophet. Xi’an Muslims also admire the prosperity and technological advancement of Saudi Arabia. Locals who made the pilgrimage came home with tales of six lane highways, skyscrapers, and air-conditioned tents.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


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My Wet Pussy And Other Tidbits

All has been harmonious in the Celestial Kingdom this week. The ardent nationalism and military displays have shown the world that China is interested in a ‘peaceful rise’, and the citizens of this fine empire have not had their joy disturbed by anything so mundane and unimportant as news of tsunamis or earthquakes or typhoons in other parts of the world. Obviously, part of the reason for this is that there are no other parts of the world, except of course for ‘Foreign Barbarian Land’.

The MyLaowai surveying and statistics bureau carried out an interesting study back on October 1st: We here at MLHQ asked a selected group of Laowai’s to carry out a survey for us. We did not tell them what or who the survey was for. There were two questions in the survey, which they were to ask of all the Chinese people they knew:

1. What are you doing this evening?
This question was asked during the morning. Of the several hundred responses, all but two replied that they would be at home watching the military parade on television. Of the remaining two, one was on a train to her hometown and was disappointed to be missing the parade, whilst the other was on a pilgrimage to Beijing to watch the parade.

2. Did you enjoy the parade?
One hundred percent of those questioned enjoyed the parade mightily, although the respondent who had made the pilgrimage was saddened to learn that no member of the public was permitted to watch the spectacle in person. Many went on to express further thoughts on the subject. The two comments that sum it up best were:
“I only like the part of the Army”
“This show is amazing. China is more stronger and great”

As a result of the worrying demonstration of Chinese military intentions, many nations around the world have raised their Threat Level assessments:

The British have raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” Brits have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out. China has been re-categorised from “Tiresome” to a “Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was during the great fire of 1666.

The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its alert level from “Run” to “Hide”. The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country’s military capability.

It’s not only the French who are on a heightened level of alert. Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly And Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”

The Germans also increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform And Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose”.

Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual, and the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.

The Spanish are all excited to see their new navy ready to deploy. These beautifully designed state-of-the-art warships have glass bottoms, so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

Americans meanwhile are carrying out pre-emptive strikes on all of their allies, just in case.

New Zealand has also raised its security levels – from “Baaa” to BAAAA!”. Due to continuing defence cutbacks (the air force being a squadron of spotty teenagers flying paper aeroplanes and the navy some toy boats in the Prime Minister’s bath), New Zealand only has one more level of escalation, which is “Shut, I Hope Austrulia Will Come End Riscue Us”. In the event of invasion, New Zealanders will be asked to gather together in a strategic defensive position called “Bondi”.

Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from “No Worries” to “She’ll Be Right, Mate”. Three more escalation levels remain: “Crikey!’, “I Think We’ll Need To Cancel The Barbie This Weekend” and “The Barbie Is Cancelled”. There has not been a situation yet that has warranted the use of the final escalation level.

Finally, MyLaowai has authorised the awarding of a Wet Pussy to these traitorous scum, for services rendered to the Chinese Communist Party:

Really Wet Pussies. We hope they die of cancer.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dollar Distress

This bogus Robert Fisk story is getting a lot of play today.  He claims that the Saudis, Russians and Chinese are holding “secret” meetings to price oil in something other than the dollar.   If they exist, the meetings represent a shift away from a US dominated world economy.  This has been the case since at least 1989, but the idea never fails to stir conspiracy theory. 

Quacks harbor a particular fear of China since it holds over $2 trillion in US debt.  China has long threatened to assert its growing economic muscle by abandoning the dollar altogether.  A few years ago, China switched from a currency pegged to the dollar, to one that floated against a basket of currencies.   A recent China Daily article reflects many misconceptions.  For one, they claim that the fate of the dollar is intrinsically tied to comments made by Chinese officials.  Second, it reiterates China’s call for a new reserve currency.  These policy changes and statements are just political. They only fuel conspirators misunderstanding of international monetary policy.

The truth is, as Epstein points out, China’s fate is tied to our economic policy-not the other way around.   Last year, despite financial crisis, China increased its holdings of US debt. It takes a lot more than a few meetings, secret or not, to create a new reserve system. 

Doomsday types proclaim the end of US hegemony and the fall of the empire through a weak dollar.  Again, bogus.   A weak dollar can be good for an economy.  It boosts exports, decreases costs for debtors and gives investors holding foreign investments higher yields. Most big US companies have international holdings, so they are immune to small fluctuations.  A slight devaluation can stimulate an economy. Also, this is the US, so a depreciating currency will not cause capital flight as it did in Thailand ten years ago.

One more thing about the quacks: how would a single global currency eliminate current account imbalances, inflation, risk and instability?  It makes no sense.  We still have all of these things within monetary unions. If you look at Poland or the UK, you can find both benefits and costs to joining a large monetary union.  In order for any monetary union to work, it musk have flexible financial and labor markets with a shared governing body.  An integrated global union would concentrate power even further, not democratize the global economy. 

As for the Fisk story, it doesn’t matter what we price oil in.  The Saudi’s are not actually carrying around bags dollars- oil transactions are electronic and denominated in whatever currency you like-dollars, euros or Cuban cigars. 


Call It A Comeback

A Message to the True Faithful:

Yes, it is true.  I am back online.  What can I say?  Some shit went down.  Jiang Jieshi has been all up in my bizness, despite the fact that even while he “fights” the dirty Japs he has been obsessing about some former Geisha ‘ho.  More on that to come, but let me just say that I mean Geisha ‘ho in a very respectful way.

Hell, there is a lot to come, as I am exiting the gates swinging.  I cannot let my erstwhile allies hog all the press.  I plan to get my handsome face back on Time magazine shortly, and soon after that put Zhongguo in check the same way that Shanxi is held down.  Check back on this space for updates galore, including the continuation of my much beloved countdown of China’s top ten dynasties.

In the meantime, let me leave you with this tidbit.  You can try to throw my ass out of the bar, out of town, or hell out of the god damn province, but you will not be throwing me out of power any time soon.

Yan Out.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What is Avicenna? For morons and there's Zoo

“ It became the first city in history assaulted by nuclear armament when the  United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on it on August 6, 1945, near the culmination of World War II…

On September 17, 1945, Hiroshima ( Heroseema) was struck by the Makurazaki Typhoon(Typhoon Ida), one of the largest typhoons of the Shōwa period”- Who knows what is it?

New Prime Minister of Japan

Yukio Hatoyama- translated as -you a falsificat and illusionist for that you have pit. He was born 11.02. as my own son. His wife have interesting name too, more- she is actress. There’s child has education in Moscow as engineer – it means fig tree for oil and gas as for Taro Aso.

“Hatoyama comes from a prominent Japanese political family which has been called the “Kennedy family of Japan.”

Kennedy was only information picture of my own father- they killed him with the help of there Belarus agent because they think by there pure mind – my own father must seat down at throne of the USA by himself -John Kennedy was killed 22.11.1963 and John XXIII was killed five month before- 03.06.1963 after the meeting with Chrushev’s -Khrushchev’s daughter Rada Adzubej -Rada Adzhubei and her husband – 06.03.1963. After that meeting that happy family decided that John XXIII – my own father. They repeated the killing with John Kennedy.

Foto Khrushev and Kennedy in June 1961 in Vienna

Who was my adopting mother and with wich name she lived before?

And why in 1963 that Kruchev decided to plus for Ukraine and Lastochkino Gnezdo- Swallow Nest in Krym to his private property after the killing John XXIII and John Kennedy?

That Mr. Pit can not be from the” Kennedy” family not as information picture , not as with own relations with us. Surname Kennedy have translation as – to NN I am going.

Yukio Hatoyama’s wife have native connections with Josif Stalin’s family. Who now seating in Japan?

( Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Wroclaw translated as – Slava is robber in Poland- was Zoo. Another Zoo – in Sverdlovsk- were has his appartment Sergey Lopatinskiy and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya. That appartment they selled to Aleksandr Yakovlev – now Aleksandr Turkin.

In Moscow near Moscow Zoo live Oleg Lobov at the Zoologicheskaya Str. Why that nice terrorist with strong connections with terror in metro Tokyo decided to live in such interesting place?
Robbering all my own inheritance financies and profits which they could to took, they all so like to live in my own Castles , that till now as 
Clowns wriggle near me and my own sons.

With that my own inheritance after my own grandmother Castle Wolfsburg – Wolfsburg Schlosse – they appropriated one more little present – that firm

Volkswagen was my own inheritance from my own grandfather. For that Marina Berlusconi – Mechrenceva happenly helped to robbed my own inheritance such freaks as Andrey Kozuchov – Mechrencev, Andrey Titov- Romas Marcinkievicius, Igor Titov- happy husband of Dariga Nazarbayeva, Modest Prokopiev, Aleksandr Turkin – Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze or Dzerzinskiy- Sverdlov and etc.

His grandfather shooted the Royal Romanov’s family in Ekaterinburg and that’s town after that has the name Sverdlovsk.

What relatives they have and how old are them’s?

In April 2008 Marina Berlusconi decided to marriage with some Japaneese. And has a wedding. That information in a shot period of time disappeared from internet and appeared another information with another husband.

And Silvio Berlusconi at that momemt quickly decided to seat down at the place of Prime Minister of Italy. Look the beginning  ” Taro Aso from Ginko family, Chikako Aso as the daughter of Diliara Zabarova, basin of fig tree of oil and gas, CNN, Volkswagen, BMW and Zoo from Japan”

In Japan parlament – interesting deputy Naoto Kan – translated as – have and take or go to An and another go to An. That Naoto Kan look like ordinary tatarian . How he appeared in Japan?

As in Russia Naina Elcina presented the ruling to her native daughter Tatiana with the new name Ludmila Putina, in Japan all last years rulling in my own inheritance Mechrencev-Kozuchov- Lopatinskiy- Lobov- Nazarbayev family give to each other the place of Prime Minister of Japan- there’s mr. Mikasa- translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – Ak hi hit that- all that years rule in the country with the financies from my own inheritance, forgott to inform me about that and th pay the profits.

With connections with appropriating my own inheritance in Middle East ( as Saudi Arabia and etc.- Al Waleed bin Talal – with the face of russian militarist Andrey Kozuchov , new made king Abdullah- translated as – swindlered ah- with the face of the native brother of my adopting mother – without make up – he was Benedict XXVI , with make up – king Abdullah. Who knows what is it?)

The same situation in Italy. In new made Berlusconi – Mechrencev family.

As Bush family, as Clinton’ family , as Barrack Obama- translated as – barrack have both and boss from Russian special and prostitute service mixed with Negro, Mongolian, Kazachian’s and etc. which appropriated under the names Primakov, Ginko–Surkov, Lobov, Breznev, Lopatinskiy,Chrushev- Khrushev , Dzerzinskiy my own inheritance in Russia and USA.

In Japan rulling from my adopting family new baked mr. Mikasa-translated as – we are bank cash and mr. Akihito- translated as – AK hi hit that- all of them lost not only oil and gas industrial places but steel and weapons too.

Miyuki Hatoyama – translated as – ma-a-y as cat for that and pit.

Now in Greece the same situation. Armenian- Georgian- Russian’s freaks from Stalin-Lopatinskiy, Cruchev -Ezov- Vorochilov’s family present the role of the head of the country to each other.
Who are that Polish – American freaks which appropriated Lithuanian Mazeikiu Nafta- my own inheritance, Polish Plock , Gdansk, opened new bank under stolen from me profits and inheritance business , who started appropriating my own inheritance near me in Lithuania and jummped later and pressed me till now ?

Baked the financies in China they jummped to Japan.

They are so business , that they lost all financies in China. In any words defecated that financies. That new baked wife from China as new baked wife of Rupert Murdoch- double – Rupert Murdoch by himself was killed in Lithuania in the beginning of 1990 under the name Vytautas Landsbergis- Zemkialnis ( father). After that killing they appropriated my own inheritance in Australia too.

Appropriating 500 thousands billions from the year during minimum 20 years they pay now for us there’s pension from mad house for licking there’s bottom’s near 1000 euro for month- and not paying -underpay from that sum every month 200 euro, plus take payment to prostitute Silvia with her gigolo Alex Gliklad – 370 euro every month for appartment after the killing here old peoples- property of that victims, which that gigolo appropriated and which they all chew and which the soulruin for Jews.

New prime minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama at first decided to meet with Barack Obama.

Foto – who payed for all of that? And where are my own inheritance financies from Federal Reserve ? It is the private bank, by the way, and my own inheritance after my own grandfather .Foto- who payed for there’s elections and from which financies?

Who has allowed to that freaks to take my own inheritance financies, business, profits, villas?

Who has allowed to that freaks to opened the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother without me and without information me at all? Who have in his seif box now that testament? Who decided that it is possible?

Who has allowed me to installed and to pull for perineum and vocal chords?

In ears amplifiers of a sound and at the head of my and my own sons magnet’s-who are that fascists rubbish maids and there’s gay’s?

In old Egypt buryed with all property of the deads – nobody did not take not there’s

The son of new prime minister of Japan has education at Moscow state University as Evgeniy Primakov. That Primakov with native relations with Kazakhstan and Georgia was from Ukrainian special service with connections with Nikita Krushev.

In any words great kazakhian- georgian’s mixe. Who was my adopting mother before she decided to appropriate the own name of my own mother, her own daughter and her inheritance , business, financies and profits?

Native son of Evgeniy Primakov- Aleksandr now in Greece play the role of great bankier, robb and kill the old peoples and stole the childs. In any words he has strong connections with raven’s and with mass cemetery in Greece under the name Irakliy- translated as -and cancer to pour. Some years ago that Primakov has the big debts for Arab countries and started the war between Kuwait and Iraq.

In Kuwait he took a financies and happenly deficated ( defecated) them’s. Native daughter of that Primakov Nina was a director of the school where my own sons has education- school 60 in Vilnius.

Native granddaughter of that Primakov for there’s legende died in twin -towers, when they ruined the property of my own grandfather and my own inheritance twin-towers 11.09.2001. – and three weeks later they started first savaging attacks against me.

Don’t forgett ,that they killed David Rockefeller in 1975 in the Primakov house and to USA happenly going the double – illusionist and the conjurer and became to rule in my own inheritance. Another native daughter of thart Primakov- Natalia Stroganova happenly helped to Sergey Lopatinskiy to spend my own inheritance financies.

When they need more – they ordinary took that financies in oil and gas concern Opec- under the trusteeship my own inheritance – as for my own needs. Paying for me with my own youngest son 60 dollars for both for month.

When my oldest son became to help me and to sent financies -they ordinary opened against him mass criminal cases, beating, him at regular basis, makes a mass of gangster’s attack’s against him and his office and blocked at there’s villages.

They undressed him in regular basis, when they see that he have financies. And sticks round with there prostitute’s and villages familes. Natalia Stroganova was the wife of the son of Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov- Yuriy Stroganov.

One controll me in the newspaper, she control me not only by installation but with the help of her sister pressed my own sons in school too. Her native brother Aleksandr help to Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya from the bank Snoras – system of Conversbank to take my own profits from my own inheritance. Who decided to sell my own profits for that bank and for what reason?

That Aleksandr at that moment has the name Alex Gliklad. He – the partner of Josif Kobson- great and interesting singer with the name -policeman in zone and son of Josif Stalin.

That Kobson now have in his family some Michelle – native daughter of Michelle Obama. That Michelle- native daughter of Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok with new name Irina Abramovich. As Roman Abramovich and under that name sometimes gone to the scene Konstantin Smirnov. And why was mass killing in Kuwait after that Primakov’s credit?That Primakov was the native brother of Raisa Gorbacheva- which now with Arkadiy Volskiy and his Conversbank at my own financies and profits happenly lived in Spain. (His wife Laura Charadze

played the role of Laura Bush in USA. Her double look like mother of Renata Kochneva – Kochneviene)

Raisa Gorbacheva legalisated her death 20.09.1999.

With strong connections with Larisa Bakova- native daughter from my adopting parents- now Asma Al Assad in Syria and with her mass doubles as Letizia in Spain.

That Larisa from native relations with gipsy’s and tatarian maids as Raisa Gorbacheva.

Such gipsy’s liked very much some Smirnov – Gromov- Elcin’s family with connections with Ezov- ex soviet fascist. There’s native daughter has a picture as Barbra Streizand and Ludmila Putina. Her name was- Tatiana Elcina. Foto -

when died Boris Elcin ( he was from Boris Gromov – Aleksey- Ivan- Smirnov’s family – with George Soros face – translated as -slop pail from Russia.) That Smirnov’s and campany ruled in my own inheritance fund, which they named George Soros fund. At cementry -Why were surprised Bill Clinton and George Bush?

The great financial ruler of all that gangster’s clan in concern Opec – Sergey Lopatinskiy with the face of the actor Sergey Stepanchenko and Sergey Zagrebnev- Zarembo. Both of them with native relations with Nikita Krushev, Ezov , Voroshilov.

Both of them helped to new prime minister of Japan some Yukio Hatoyama to seat down at that place. With the installation in nose. Who knows what is it ?

One of the childs of some Ludmila Putina- which was in real live Tatiana Elcina- Mechrenceva- Kozuhova , educated Japaneese language -Katerina. May be she decided to play the role in performance – the granddaughter of The King The Son. In 1986- 1990 they played the role of granddaughter of Anastasiya Romanova in Germany. In 1993 Ludmila Putina was under plastic operation after car crash. What is it? She was killed in 1993 and her biography was needed to Tatiana Elcina ? Who and what appropriated in Germany from my own inheritance from my own grandmother?

The system of Conversbank – Konversbank in which ruled Arkadiy Volskiy has strong connections with George Soros fund- my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

More- in Gorbachev’s fund, where happenly ruled Irina Noskova- Smirnova ( she was registrated as the daughter of Ivan- Aleksey Smirnov with native relations with Boris Gromov and with George Soros face and Ija Smirnova with the face of Elizabeth II ) under the name Irina Gorbacheva. They took the financies from that new named George Soros fund and spent it to the fund of Michail Gorbachev.

That fund name’s under the memory of Raisa Gorbacheva, which legalisated her death and organised the throne for herself in Spain at my own inheritance, getting into her head the crown from the paper. Don’t forgett that she -native sister of Evgeniy Primakov. He was Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Leonid Breznev’s ruling- now in his new biography he forgott to tell about it.

In fund seating down Irina Noskova- Smirnova under the new name Irina Gorbacheva.

And happenly deficated that financies for there’s needing’s. What do and done that maid in my own financie’s and my own inheritance? Now she that Irina Noskova- Smirnova- Gorbacheva in Greece with her great helper in the bed Aleksey Smirnov- which 21.09.2009 decided to beat me. Understand?

That Aleksey Smirnov work as the man on a call at Main Address: Kifisou 14 – P.O. 18233 – Call Center: 210 4851100 – Fax: 210 4812902. One of the address near Teleperformance, where all that slop pail family grasses me and my own son.

They live in Athens at Isminis 80 and Isminis 76, where live the stolen childs and childs of killing parents for sex trading. Near that Isminis 76- transportation cargo firm SABINO- where ruled some Armenian freak. He is coordinator of all that’s prostitute and killing business ( for killing). There’s friends rule in Greece.

Nikitas M. Kaklamanis was” born April 1, 1946 the Mayor of Athens. Kaklamanis studiedmedicine at the Medical School of the University of Athens. His medical training was spent inIoannina” and he was ” Assistant Professor of Radiotherapy–Oncology”. He was Ministry of the Health in Greece. Understand?

He was born in the day of russians jokes. And was an active member as Dora Bakoyannis- Irina Mamonova in the cleaning and killing the citizents of Athens.

109-111 Mesoghion Ave., 11526 Ampelokopi, Athens, Greece. Geniki bank covering of the Geniki Taxydromiki. gr.

“Since 2004, GENIKI Bank is a member or the Société Générale Group, one of the largest and most powerful financial groups in Europe, present in 82 countries.” When they started to kill the peoples in Greece since 2002 – 20.10.2002 -when they went me and my own son to the death in Lithuania- Dora Bakoyannis -some years ago she has a name Irina Mamonova and educated with me in Sverdlovsk at the same school and class and has a native relations with my adopting mother- her native mother was a sister of that slop pail adopting – became a mayor of Athens. From 2003 they started the appropriation of business and financies after the killing peoples in Greece. Irina Mamonova has medical higher education in Sverdlovsk.

To that shop “Dora” where they rule with the name of my own mother( that name appropriated adopting mother as etc.) at Isminis 82 makes supply’s firm with tel. number – 210 28 35746-747. That shop -place for distribution of poisoning substance’s. At the other side of that shop – house for childs- as childs garden – the place of the transit the stolen child’s and place of there’s transitory appearance. It is a place of store(keep)of the key’s of the killing victims houses and there’s dresses. And such situation in all Greece.

In Moscow that Conversbank- Konversbank was at the address Str. Goncharnaya 12.

That bank was in the hands of adopting mother- Dora ( Zoya ) Ignatievna Lopatinskaya and new made David Rockefeller in USA.

In any words Primakov- Breznev- Gromov- Stalin- Krushev’s families with the mass names but with there’s old faces.

At Goncharnaya Str. number 1 was ” Obschaya Gazeta” – in that newspaper- with Gorbachev as the owner- worked I, Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy from my class and school as vice editor and Anna Politkovskaya. At that address was registrated the Laboratory of AID’s and cancer. Who was the owner?

In 1979 that Gromov- Smirnov’s and Breznev’s families started the war in Afghanistan, blocking me in Volsk with two little childs. In 1981 in Egypt was killed Anwar Saddat and seating down some Hosni Mubarak – translated as – Mu-u-u and moo barrack. From Afghanistan they transported the zink coffins with Afghan’s soldiers (under the names of Soviet Union soldiers) which now have mass grave’s in ex Soviet Union.

And from that time in Afghanistan happenly live’s as now in Greece new baked citizen’s from Russia, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and etc. All that Armenian- Georgians stinkers and skunks, dependents and beggars to my own banks accounts and profits from my own inheritance with there’s Mkrtchian, Noskova, Gromov, Gorbachev, Lopatinskiy, Krushev’s family’s with variants with the names -as invalid’s in the carriage’s jumping following me and pressing me debting billions and thousands of billions.

Now in Greece they cleaning the territory and killed the biggest part of the citizen’s of Greece with the help of that Hosni Mubarack and his gas from Egypt named Zarin-Sarin.

That Hosni Mubarak look like little Konstantin Likhosherst- Korotchenko- which native father was Andrey Korotchenko and mother Elena Likhosherst. Native daughter of Zinaida Likhosherst with the face of Barbara Bush in USA. And sister of Maria Likhosherst – now with new name Sheikha Moza in Qatar. As that Maria Likhosherst, as Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok -studied with me at the University in Sverdlovsk. The great third gas countries as they named themselfes- Russia, Qatar and Iran.

In Russia rule’s happy husband of Tatiana Elcina – Vladimir Putin and strange mummer under the name Dmitriy Medvedev- double from the bear and honey know Jew.

In Qatar some Sheikha Moza- which some years ago was Maria Likhosherst from Kiev and has education with me at the Ural University in Sverdlovsk.

Her happy husband look like overeating Ivan Kostromskoy from my school and class, which lived in Sverdlovsk at the Str. Tatisheva-translated as – looking the Father Jew and she. In Iran “The first militant anti-Shah demonstrations were in October 1977″ – 8 month later when I borned my own first son . In september 1980 Iraq and Iran were during the war. In that time started the war in Afghanistan – during 9 month.

From 02.10.1981 some Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i became new president of Iran. Iran have a border with Afghanistan.

Leader was Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. He started the revolution to appropriated the financies of my own grandfather. Later some Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started the privatization in Iran. As in Russia Anatoliy Chubais and in Israel Tzipi Livni.

What financies put in Iran my own grandfather and who decided to appropriate that financies as in Vietnam and Afghanistan?

In the beginning of 2000 the great relations between Belarus and Iran took place. From that time some Michail Fridman with connections with Stroganov- Andropov- Primakov families ( and with Ludmila Kozlova – Sherbenok from my school and class with the face of Sara Palin in Alaska) draged by tankers the oil ( and gas) from Iran.

What gas took Belarus and Russians freaks, robbers of my own inheritance , in Iran? Gas from Hosni Mubarak they took in balloon. Later when they poisoned me in Poland under the rulling of Angela Merkel with the face of Oksana Ginko, some times later to Poland jummped Hosni Mubarak 11.03.2008. And 14.03.2008 they proposed us to leave the Poland. They decided that financies, business and property they can to divide without me at all. And now the question- what gas they transported to Poland and what faces now live in Poland instead Polish?

Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei ,  rule in the country of my own trusteeship and inheritance,

04.06.1989 as Supreme Leader. Before that- he was a president of Iran. Iran is Opec country and somebody from that country must be the trustee in my own inheritance oil and gas business  monopoly. I wrote to that leader so many times that the time for answer  was ended in last century.

As for his boy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That Ahmadinejad was in Italy near Silvio Berlusconi with Hosni Mubarak – from that country I wrote for them so many times- and Bashar Al Assad was in UAE, when was air crash in UAE and was killed young man – he was registrated as the brother of Armenian  freak Khalifa, but in real life was not his brother at all. May be he was an inheritor of the higher trustee percents?

At the site of that leader some times ago was Kirghizian language- now Russian, Ispanian, Azerbaijan etc. With whom from Russia or Belarus, Spain and Azerbaijan has connections supreme leader of the country of my own  inheritance business trusteeship? And why that trustee till now  does not returned for me any percents from the profits from my own inheritance?  His friend  Hosni Mubarak originally from Kirghizia.  New made son of that friend  Gamal Mubarak- proletariat, looking the oil and gas places – originally from Azerbaijan. What they are doing in Egypt?

Not so far before our unblocking in Lithuania and the Litvinenko killing,which organized Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with the campany, 06.11.2001 that leader has a meeting with Aleksandr Lukashenko – private boy of the Lopatinskiy’s -Kruschev’s- Breznev’s and Dzerzinskiy’s- Deranidze’s  family. They have a meeting without translater. In what language they were speaking?

In 25.08.2001 in  Scandinavia was a marriage of one  new made prince with bar worker and prostitute. Two weeks later 11.09.2001 was ruined twin- towers my own inheritance of my own grandfather. And tree weeks later they crushed my only one health leg to hide my own hobble  from the childhood.

For whom they  float  that ruddy prostitute Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with Dalia Gribauskaite- Grybauskaite face that decided to kill me and my own son one year later? When we returned from the death day in day  23. 10.2002 in Moscow started Nord- Ost.  What is it?

For whom was selled that ruddy floors cloth, that after such trading  Sergey Lopatinskiy, Aleksandr Primakov-Gliklad, Pavel Lobov, Aleksandr  Turkin and  Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya decided to kill me and my own son?

As in 2008 in Italy now in Greece they make an elections and dancing and singing and playing at the cemetery ,where they have a mass killing of the Greeks.

When they buryed Badri Patarkatsishvili in Tbilisi they were so happy that applaud  at the cemetery. When Lithuanian freaks as Zuokas and K has information that died the owner of the Mac Donald’s system they dancing and  applaud from happiness- they appropriated his business.

That’s slop pail gipsy’s rip out and pull out every cents from our mouth, they found  lifelong overliving pension for there’s invalid’s  robbers and rats mind’s.

Not growing up cattle’s and pigs they where that take meat. More in Greece meat shops and eating shops there are biggest composition of sausages from meat’s, meat’s and  marble meat- who knows where are they take that meat’s?

The trader’s of human’s meat- alive and died human’s meat.

In there’s shops in Athens there are biggest composition from the dresses from the died peoples – that dresses they  give out for new.

They open mass shops for the renovation the appartments and houses after killing  the owners in that appartment’s and appropriation them’s.

They go to the Greece and take as a presents the keys from the houses of the killing peoples and there’s cars. And have a financing from my own inheritance stolen from me. And write off that stolen financing till now as a debts and my own needs, when nobody give them that financies no as a present, no as a debts.

And that freaks make an elections here in Greece .

The key’s from the houses of victims they store in the shop ” Dora”, where happenly work Aleksey Smirnov, which 21.08.2009 clobbered me and till now alive. In that shop they store the dresses of the killing victims. More the Armenian wife of that Aleksey  Smirnov have a hair after special grilling renovation, as white barby  - she play the role of great Hapoleon here – such barby’s so likes Boris Dekanidze or Aleksandr Turkin.

Such hair after special grilling renovation have the Azerbaijanian woman- the Hani’s friend ( he told that he was from Egypt).

Who grilling me all that times my own hair till roots, my own  black eyelashes, who damaged my own legs and makes for me atrophy of the  muscle’s the legs, back, hands, face? Who making to dust all my new things including new computer for which I must pay a credit!  New  travel TV. New travel bed with electronic pompa. All my own new flashlight’s. The electronic  ” Phillip” shaver of my own son. The bed linen.  Grilling and making to dust my own  new dresses, bag  ” Disiel”, new  suitcase and  grilled even pants.

All that freaks from Alfa Group system and connections with Primakov, Lobov, Bush- Likhosherst now Sheikha Moza in Qatar, Gorbachev’s  families.

They till now grub in my own bags, stoling the old papers, post cards, foto’s and till now look’s how to stick to not there’s financies. They till now beat me to the head, crying, squeling and beating to the head by there’s freaks as Aleksey pedophile Smirnov. With native relations with Boris Gromov – great Napoleon in Afghanistan.

That gas Zarin- Sarin they used in Japan in Tokyo metro in 1995. With the help of the great terrorist Oleg Lobov ( his native son Pavel Surkov- Lobov was the happy husband of Larisa Ginko- Surkova now with new name and doubles Hillary Clinton in USA).

That Oleg with native relations with Michail and Nikolay Lopatinskiy’s. That Nikolay was my adopting father. All of them with native relations with Leonid Iliich Breznev- translated as- illness lier need bank of Jews. They were his native sons. Now in Greece as in Japan they started the process of changing the names and masks. As they started that process some years ago when I was appropriated by them’s. Nikita Chrushev- Kruschev became a Soviet lieder and his daughter-with relations with Josif Stalin my adopting mother. Sergey Lopatinskiy was the son of Sergey Chrushev. Which now registrated as great citizent of USA.

Now that Sergey Chruchev- Kruschev write that decided to live in USA from 1990, but really more earlier- he go out from the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1970. In 1975 to his help was sent new made David Rockefeller- real David Rockefeller was killed in Tbilisi in 1975 in the home of Evgeniy Primakov and Laura Charadze- now Laura Bush in USA.

His helper Aleksandr Primakov under the name Aleksandr Gliklad ( legalisated his death in 1986 and from that time lived under the name Aleksandr Gliklad -translated as see or look hidden treasure), which robbed me with the help of there’s bank Snoras – now deficated and make to dust all my new things in his renting for me apartment and make a face that it is not he. My own financies and profits stolen from me they transfered to Cyprus. And happenly deficated.

There’s prostitute Silvia in real live – daughter of the sister of some Ija Smirnova- that sister was from Mazdok. All that nice and big robber’r family stole the testament of my own grandfather and own grandmother.

Japaneese mummer Akihito with the wife visited Hawaii 14.07.2009. They were in Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii.

“When Laurence Rockefeller designed the hotel in 1965, he put no televisions in the rooms. The Mauna Kea” – Mauna Beach Hotel in Hawaii. And was in Kahala Hotel & Resort. Who decide to ask them to visit Hawaii in any words who asked his mummers to took a meeting with thepuppeteer? New made David Rockefeller and Kruschev, Primakov – Bush family.

Schlitz Castle- place of meeting of Laura Bush and Laureen Harper 07.06.2007.- they meets in my own inheritance after my own grandmother. There was some summit of some G-8.

Akie Abe wife of Japaneese prime minister- connections with Laura Bush and Laureen Harper from Canada , Joachim Sauer – husband of  some cow Angela Merkel ( she visited Poland and Kachinskiy with private visit 16.03.2007 and I was savagenly poisoned in Poland- that Merkel has the face of Oksana Ginko) , and of that Abe- connections with Qatar and Ludmila Putina.

In any words with Laura Charadze – Primakova – now Laura Bush, Maria Likhosherst- now Sheikha Moza and her native mother Zinaida Likhosherst- now Barbara Bush. More- with Tatiana Elcina from the Elcin- Gromov’s family.

Marek Bienkowskiy- head of security of the Orlen company- that Pavel Lobov which was born as Pavel Lopatinskiy appropriated my own inheritance in Poland.

There’s appropriation they started from Belarus. And after my coronation ( crowing) and canonization in Warszawa they took an agreement with Hosni Mubarak  11.03.2008 to delivering the gas to Poland- and from that time in Poland disappeared Polish’s.  Orlen company with connections with New – York bank and new made Rothschild’s family. 20.03.1995 they started attact’s by Zarin (Sarin) in  the Tokyo subway.

Mitsubishi company was in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan – now in UK.

“Mitsubishi Bank (now a part of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) was founded in 1919. After its mergers with the Bank of Tokyo in 1996, and UFJ Holdings in 2004, this became Japan’s largest bank.”

Mitsubisi Motors- 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato, Tokyo 108-8410 Japan

“Throughout its history it has courted alliances with foreign partners, a strategy pioneered by their first president Tomio Kubo to encourage expansion, and continued by his successors. A significant stake was sold to Chrysler Corporation in 1971 which it held for 22 years, whileDaimlerChrysler was a controlling shareholder between 2000 and 2005. Long term joint manufacturing and technology licencing deals with the Hyundai Motor Company in South Koreaand Proton in Malaysia were also forged, while in Europe the company co-owned the largest automobile manufacturing plant in the Netherlands with Volvo for ten years in the 1990s, before taking sole ownership in 2001″.

It means that now my own inheritance of my own grandfather in the hands of Lopatinskiy, Lobov, Likhosherst, Bush, Primakov’s family with connections with Volvo and Nordea. With great gipsy’s swindler  Armenian freak Kerk Kerkorian- translated as – Kerk reproach An and expel – go out once again. And they need’s Gaagha’s tribunal.

“Mitsubishi have been allied with PSA Peugeot Citroën since 1999″ And with appropriation my own inheritance after my own grandfather in France by Lopatinskiy, Andropov, Stroganov, Primakov, Bush families.

telephone:+44 (0) 1895 276600facsimile:+44 (0) 1895 276699postal:

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Harman House, 1 George Street,
Uxbridge, Middlesex,
UB8 1QQ, England

telephone:+44 (0) 208 686 9551facsimile:+44 (0) 208 688 2035postal:Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
15th Floor, Leon House, 233 High Street,
Croydon, Surrey,
CR0 9XT, England
All that years all that campany with there’s doubles lived at my own inheritance and financies from Middle East oil and gas projects of my own grandfather.
They arrounded me and my own son’s by there’s morons rabble. They arrounded me now in Greece by there’s morons rabble.

The name of that gas Zarin from the word, using in the Ural- zarit’cia- means- to envy.

Happy Moon Festival!

Today is/was the Chinese holiday of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival.

In Western cultures, we usually see the “man in the moon”, but the Chinese see the Jade Rabbit, pounding a mortar and pestle to make the pill of immortality.  (If you still see the man, look at the right eye (your right side as you’re looking at the moon) as the rabbit’s head, with two long ears pointing up and to the right.  The “smile” becomes his long feet and fluffy tail, while the nose makes the body.  The other eye becomes part of the mortar and pestle.)

Chinese Child Book has some good coloring pages to tell the story of the archer, the Moon Goddess, the ten suns, and the pill of immortality (and also one of the Jade Rabbit in the approximate position that you’ll see in the moon’s dark spots).  My short synopsis:

In ancient times, there were ten suns.  Each one would shine on the earth for one day.  However, one day, all ten suns rose at the same time.  The earth began to scorch, rivers disappeared, the people were panicked, and the emperor was alarmed.  The emperor summouned his archer, Hou Yi, to shoot down the extra suns with his enchanted bow and arrows.

Hou Yi did such a good job that the Queen Mother of the West rewarded him with a pill of immortality.  Warned to prepare himself properly before taking the pill, Hou Yi travelled home to tell his wife the good news.

Hou Yi’s wife, Chang E, the daughter of the river god, was less than thrilled.  In fact, she was jealous of her husband.  The next time that Hou Yi was called away on an errand for the emperor, Chang E searched the house for the pill.  She finally found the glowing pill, hidden in the straw thatch of the roof, and promptly swallowed it.

Unforunately, Hou Yi came home right then.  Startled at the sight of his now-floating wife, he immediately understood what had happened and chased her.  She fled, finally landing, exhausted, on the moon.  Out of breath, she coughed out the covering of the pill, which turned into the Jade Rabbit, who is still on the moon to this day, working at making the pill of immortality.  Chang E, some stories say, was changed into a three-legged toad.  Although she became the moon goddess, she deeply regretted her actions and missed her husband.

Hou Yi, having failed to catch his wife, built a mansion on the sun and eventually came to forgive his wife.  On the fifteenth day of each lunar month, he visits her, and she resumes her form as a beautiful woman, and the moon shines a little brighter.

As with all good holidays, food is involved!  Specifically, moon cakes, a very dense pastry that is usually filled with lotus paste or red bean paste.  (”Cake” is used for lack of a better word; these things are not in any way, shape, or form fluffy!)  Often, a salted quail egg yolk is imbedded in the filling, symbolizing the full moon of the festival and family togetherness.  (One book I read by a Chinese author commented that the egg yolks were “an acquired taste” and that only her grandparents ever ate the things.  They pop out easily, leaving the sweet, dense filling.)

Moon cakes are sold in lovely tins at Chinese groceries; we’ve always received a fancy presentation bag with them.  $10 or more for four cakes may seem pricey, but you aren’t giving one cake to each person; they’re really too sweet and dense for that!  In fact, there are usually a set of small, two-pronged forks and a knife for cutting up and passing out pieces of the cakes.

So, we went out to a local Chinese buffet, admired the rising full moon, and read the story tonight.  Tomorrow, we may even try our hands at a new batch of moon cakes (I have a lovely mold for them, but the last batch I tried a few years ago wasn’t that great).  I’d promise photos, but I just remembered the camera is still broken.  *sigh*

And no, sorry, I am too tired to discuss politics tonight!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Islamic finance poised for big leap in China

KUALA LUMPUR: China is the next big Islamic finance market, as demand grows for ethical funds, but Asia’s fastest growing economy must first sort out tax issues, a unit of British insurer Prudential said yesterday.

A large Muslim population and growing wealth provide a ready retail Islamic banking market in China, a senior executive of Prudential’s Kuala Lumpur-based fund management unit said.

The US$1 trillion Islamic finance industry is targeting rapidly growing Asian economies such as China and India and new markets like Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka to offset slowing growth in its traditional base of Gulf Arab states.

Islamic banks are touting wheat-based deposit products and metal-based funds as ethical investments to appeal to investors burnt by the recent conventional banking crisis.

Islamic banking is also marketed as socially responsible investing in non-Muslim countries such as France and India to avoid fanning religious sensitivities.

“China is like Indonesia, a sleeping giant,” said Zulkifli Ishak, syariah investment director with Prudential Fund Management Bhd, which manages about US$4.03bil. Kuala Lumpur is Prudential’s Islamic finance hub.

“If Islamic finance can tap Muslims, especially in Xinjiang, then there will be a huge potential for the Islamic space in China,” he said in an interview.

China has a Muslim population of about 37 million.

Non-Muslims made up more than half the investors of most of Prudential’s Islamic retail funds in Malaysia, Zulkifli said.

Prudential’s RM42mil China equity fund rose 46% in the half year to Aug 31, about the same as some conventional China equity funds run by ING and OSKUOB, he said.

But China had to amend its tax laws which now made Islamic financial transactions costlier than conventional deals, Zulkifli said.

“Regulators in China need to look at the taxation issue,” he said. “Once they do that, then the opportunity for Islamic finance to grow in China would be much greater.” — Reuters
